Russellville HPOA Updates
- 10.03.22 The Russellville annual Home & Property Owners meeting is happening TODAY OCTOBER 3RD, 2022. See you all at the Fire Station @7:00PM.
- 09.19.22 The Russellville annual Home & Property Owners meeting is happening on OCTOBER 3RD, 2022. This is a MONDAY. (The mailbox flyer has a typo.) We look forward to seeing you all there to discuss our neighborhood and the current state of affairs.
- 09.19.22 The Russellville annual Halloween Hayride is happening on October 29th 2022! Flyers in your mailbox have all the details and can be found on the Mailbox Flyers page. If you have any questions about getting involved and joining the fun please contact RHPOA at
- 08.27.22 Russellville Picnic: Sunday August 28th 11:00AM - 2:00PM. Please bring a dish to share. Last name A-F: Apptizer, G-L: Main Dish, M-R: Side Dish, S-Z: Dessert
- 09.13.20 The Russellville annual Halloween Hayride is happening soon! Flyers in your mailbox have all the details and can be found on the Mailbox Flyers page. If you have any questions about getting involved and joining the fun please contact RHPOA at
- 05.12.20 Keep an eye out for the graduation parade making its way through Russellville on Sunday 5.17.20 starting @4:00PM. Flyers in your mailbox have all the details and can be found on the Mailbox Flyers page.
- 03.17.20 The Russellville Members Meeting that was planned for April 16th 2020 has been POSTPONED to a future date, yet to be determined; due to health and safety concerns. The meeting notice flyers had not been sent out.
- 01.21.20 FYI: Mountain View Electric will be replacing the power meters in the Russellville neighborhood with "next generation" digital meters. Perhaps yours has already been done and you found their note on your front door. Click Here for more information.
- 01.09.20 The Franktown planned development known as "Arrowpoint" at the intersection of SH 83 and SH 86 (the 80 acres at this intersection) is something that all Russellville residents should be aware of. Please click here to visit the website and stay informed.
- 12.16.19 Proposed bylaw changes have been uploaded for you to review - to be voted upon in April 2020 members meeting. Members must be in good standing to vote. See Bylaws page in main menu or Link Here.
- 11.14.19 A male deer wearing a dog collar has been in an altercation with a Russellville resident. 9News Story: click here
- 11.13.19 RHPOA is now accepting digital payments for your HOA membership dues. Please enjoy the convenience of making your payment online via Paypal account. Please click here or visit:
- 11.04.19 The annual Russellville Neighborhood HPOA Members Meeting has been scheduled to take place every year on the third Thursday of each October.
- 10.22.19 Annual Russellville Neighborhood HPOA Members Meeting - 7:00PM @Franktown Firehouse
- 10.13.19 Annual Russellville Picnic 12:00PM - 2:30PM
- 01.10.19 Thank you to those that contributed to resurrecting our Russellville sign!