As a Russellville resident, when can I expect communication from my HOA?
There are two mailing per year. In June / July there is a mailing that includes the picnic announcement and an invoice if your dues are unpaid. In September there is a mailing that includes the hayride announcement and the annual neighborhood meeting notice.
When does the RHPOA board meet?
The Russellville HPOA Board members meet on the third Monday of each month. The exception to this is summer break. The board takes recess through the summer months; June - August.
Are the covenants voluntary?
The Russellville Homeowners and Property Owners, Inc. (RHPO, Inc) would like to take this opportunity to notify you that all 159 properties in the Russellville community are covenant controlled. The only “voluntary” aspect to our “HOA” is being an active member or being an inactive member. Paying the $18.00 per year “dues” is voluntary, but allows active members to participate in community functions and gives them voting privileges. Understanding that the Russellville covenants are mandatory and not voluntary, regardless of whether a property owner is an active member or not is crucial. With your help, we can avoid confusion, frustration and disappointment for a new homeowner in our Russellville neighborhood.
How does the board handle Covenant Violations?
1) It is not the intent of the board or its committees to seek out covenant violations in the neighborhood.
2) Covenant violations will be addressed if / when a home owner requests intervention on behalf of the HPOA Board.
3) The goal of the Board with any violation of covenants is to encourage de-escalation of an issue
in a peaceful manner.
4) The Board shall take the following steps after being engaged in an issue by a home owner:
a. Address the concerned parties verbally – document in Board meeting minutes
b. Address the party in violation of any covenants in writing – document in Board meeting minutes
c. Address the party in violation of any covenants in writing again with warning that they are subjecting themselves to legal recourse. Document in Board meeting minutes.
How do I join the Russellville Neighborhood Facebook group?
The Russellville Neighborhood Facebook group is a great place to connect with your neighbors and get updates about what is going on. After you sign into your Facebook account please submit your request to join by answering the questions. The requirements for joining the group is to be a resident or property owner of Russellville.
Why do we have an HOA?
Decisions of a community should be made at the local level. The higher up the decisions get made, the less beneficial they are to the community. If we don’t make decisions for ourselves, they will be made for us! A HOA gives us a unified voice to protect the way of life that we all desire.
When is the annual Russellville HPOA members meeting?
Typically in October each year. Annual meeting are held at the Franktown Firehouse @7:00PM. The specific date fluctuates slightly each year. Please email for details each year - or check back on the "Updates" page here at
When is the annual Russellville Summer Picnic?
Typically it is held in late July or August. The date varies depending on availability of host etc. The location of the picnic varies each year depending on who is able to host.
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